Micro Teaching
Disruption era leading the changes in almost all areas of human life, including education field. Schools seem catching up far behind with their educators to face different generation, millennial. Teaching ‘regularly’ is not running well longer, teachers should develop their teaching skills in advance. Getting millennial students attention in teaching is a big challenge today.
How could they solve it ?
Who doesn’t like to hear stories? Your students will like it. That is human nature. Already from the sononya. Now, if you teach, tuck in a short story that relates to your learning. The story given is certainly not the origin of the story, but a story that has something to do with your learning. This story can be used as a form of giving pauses (related to tips number 13 below). The story is presented in an interesting manner so that the attention of students who begin to slacken towards you and your learning can be returned to normal.
Teacher’s Teaching Style
Student attention can arise from an appreciation of the teacher’s teaching style such as the teacher’s position in teaching, or the teacher doing activities that are different from usual.
The second is the use of teaching aids
The use of teaching aids that we are familiar with in the media is very influential in dancing the attention of students. We can anticipate the use of media such as: images, models, schemes. Can also use visual aids either flash (flash media that I mean can be like this) or conventional media (usually made from bag materials, or items that are around us, this can be made depending on the creativity of the teacher concerned) besides attracting attention allows the occurrence of obedience between things that are already known with things that are learned.
The third is a Variety of Interaction Patterns.
So the interaction that occurs is not only the teacher who dominates, let the student develop creating patterns of interaction
Tips 1. Attract students’ interest with short stories
Who doesn’t like to hear stories? Your students will like it. That is human nature. Already from the sononya. Well, agree you teach, insert a short story that relates to your learning. The story given is certainly not an original story, given existing stories that are agreed with your learning. This story can be used as a form of providing pauses (related to tip number 13 below). The story is presented interestingly, so it attracts the attention of students who start to complain against you and your learning can be supportive at first.
Tip 2. Ask questions that are open ended
Questions can help children or students think. So that all students can think and answer, give open-ended questions. Questions like this will be able to help all students to answer them, because students will use opinions and opinions about matters that are questioned through open ended questions.
Tip 3. Give only one type of task in the learning session
Some students may be able to avoid several tasks while managing them well during the learning activities carried out. However, most students actually have difficulty doing more than one task. If all tasks (more than one) are targets that really must be earmarked for learning today, make assignments that can be completed easily for sub-tasks that can be done in several sequences (sessions) of learning on that day and they will be able to complete one one by one.
Tip 4. Give clear directions for doing the task
Some teachers consider some assignments that are easy to do with only the brief instructions on the worksheet. Be aware that students do not understand what the guidelines given for the assignment are. Therefore, doing everything they talk about clearly what is assigned to them is very important. And, far more important, students need explanations and direction about the work being done. Do this to improve so that students do not need time to work on the task wasted or make them dependent on difficulties for some time.
Make students comfortable. When entering class do not immediately convey the material. Do not immediately open the lesson. Start with small talk. Asking news, asking if at home there are lots of activities and so on. I can’t make students sympathize when he feels uncomfortable around me.
Beginning the lesson or the beginning of each part of the activity in the core of the lesson the teacher must carry out activities to open the lesson. Opening a lesson is one of the basic skills that a teacher must have. The skill component is attracting attention, giving rise to motivation and reference material.
Now the question is how to attract students’ attention?
There must be three things to consider by a teacher.
The first is Teacher’s Teaching Style
Student attention can arise from an appreciation of the teacher’s teaching style such as the teacher’s position in teaching, or the teacher doing activities that are different from usual.
The second is the use of teaching aids
The use of teaching aids that we are familiar with with the media is very influential in dancing the attention of students. We can anticipate the use of media such as: pictures, models, schemes. Can also use visual aids either flash (flash media that I mean can be like this) or conventional media (usually made from bag materials, or items that are around us, this can be made depending on the creativity of the teacher concerned) besides attracting attention allows the occurrence of obedience between things that are already known with things that are learned.
The third is a Variety of Interaction Patterns.
So the interaction that occurs is not only the teacher who dominates, let the student develop creating patterns of interaction
teacher-student, student-student, student-teacher.
Now then if we want to be a teacher who is loved and missed by Muri, after we have done the steps above, the next thing we must do is generate motivation.
Ways to generate motivation
a. Warmly and enthusiastically
Should create a friendly, enthusiastic, friendly atmosphere and so on. Because it can encourage behavior and pleasure in doing the task so that students’ motivation will arise.
b. Cause Curiosity
Throwing ideas that are contrary to working on the problem or condition of the reality daily self
Example: If transmigration can increase the prosperity of the population why
many residents on the island of Java do not want to transmigrate.
c. By Paying Attention to Student Interest.
Align the topic of learning with student interests because motivation and interest affect gender, age, socioeconomic and so on.
Next thing we have to do is give a structure (Structuring)
Namely the effort to put forward a specific and concise set of alternatives that allows students to get a clear picture of things that must be learned.
For this, the following methods are used:
a. Expressing the goals and limits of the task the teacher should state the objectives of the lesson in advance the limits of the work done by students.
A simple example like this: Teacher: Today we learn to compose a story, pay attention to the following three pictures, then based on the picture write a story that is more or less 100 words
b. Suggest steps taken
The goal is that students will focus their efforts in learning the material and assignments if the teacher gives suggestions and steps for activities carried out for example:
Teacher: Your job is to prove at what temperature Celsius boiling water the steps you have to do are:
Measuring the temperature that has not been heated
Then turn on this spinning lamp and heat the water in this glass
If the water has been boiled, record how much the temperature matches what appears at the temperature.
c. Remind Principal Issues Discussed
For example: By reminding students to find positive things from the nature of a concept, sign, media, animals and others.
Also show negative things that are missing or incomplete.
Example: Examine these materials and determine why some stones can be classified into types of stones that contain iron ore and others do not.
To provoke students to think we can ask questions
Questions raised before starting the explanation will lead students in anticipating the content of the lesson to be learned.
Example: Before playing a film about the life cycle of a mosquito the teacher asks questions to help
Thursday, April 25, 2013
25 ways to attract the attention of students who are not focused in the learning process
When students feel bored or even unfocused in the learning process, an educator must make an effort so that the classroom environment and the learning process for the better. Here are 25 ways to attract attention or involve students who are bored or out of focus, so students are involved in the learning process:
1. Repeat
ask students to repeat what you just said in their own language.
2. Stand up
stand next to students who feel bored or out of focus.
3. Give a marker
give markers to students who are bored or unfocused to be record-takers. This can be done if the teacher makes some kind of game.
4. Show a short film
You can display a short film as a distraction in class.
5. Stand up and walk
You should avoid sitting in the teacher’s chair. Stand and walk in the classroom.
6. Give a problem
give problems to be solved by students
7. Ask difficult questions
ask difficult questions that require several steps to answer.
8. Make something
Ask students to make something related to the topic.
9. Find out
Find out what students are interested in and give a related analogy.
10. Eliminate
as much as possible eliminate things that interfere with the learning process.
11. Group
group students in small groups.
12. Rules in groups
apply rules in groups.
13. Control
assign students to control the implementation of the rules.
14. Move
Let students move.
15. Play
Play a game.
16. Incentive
Provide incentives for students who pay attention to learning
17. Field trip
Hold Field trips that deal with topics such as visiting museums, oceans, etc.
18. Research
assign students to do research to obtain information.
19. Teaching
assign students to teach other friends.
20. Help
Ask students to help you.
21. Music
Ask students to look for music that is relevant to the topic, then play it.
22. Quiz
Give a Quiz at the end of the lesson. Make sure students know the Quiz. Thus students will pay more attention.
23. Move
Move students to a different place than usual. for example from class to library room. This is to avoid boredom.
24. Reward
give rewards for students who pay attention.
25. Ask
Student attention can arise from an appreciation of the teacher’s teaching style such as the teacher’s position in teaching,
or the teacher doing activities that are different from usual,then attract students’ interest in the lesson briefly.
insert a story that relates to learning. The story given is certainly the origin of the story, but the story that has to do with learning. This method can be used as a form of giving pause. the story is presented in an interesting manner so that the attention of students who begin to sag become enthusiasm again.
then start learning by describing the key words of the lesson to be taught on the board. when the teacher presents a learning material, students must focus on the important keywords in the important material in the learning. and the teacher explains the keywords that have been written on the board by varying intonation, volume, expression, and gasture in learning. and use your communication skills as a teacher. so that the appearance becomes more attractive.Give a Quiz at the end of the lesson. Make sure students know the Quiz. Thus students will pay more attention.
then give awards to students in the class. by giving applause or words of money in the form of praise so that students are happy with and excited again in learning.
How teachers invite students fully attention in their tecahing !
Before discussing what it is that attracts students’ attention, it is good to know in advance about learning strategies. Learning strategies are creative and systematic efforts designed to achieve learning goals or commitment. As a teacher, then it should be that in managed learning think about how to attract students ‘attention when the teacher provides material in learning, so that students’ attention is only focused and focused on the teacher. Usually a teacher often has difficulty in attracting students’ attention, maintaining concentration, building an active, interactive, and fun atmosphere.
Does it attract students’ attention? Why attract students’ attention? Conscious or not, what teachers often do in front of the class is attracting the attention of students. Attracting students’ attention is an attempt by the teacher to focus student attention on the material to be discussed.
In the initial stages of learning, it seems that the teacher is dominated. This is done to attract students’ attention. Then slowly, the attention of the student is increasingly greater towards the teacher’s explanation and stimulates student curiosity on the topic being discussed. At this point the teacher has succeeded in convincing students. While the next stage, the teacher begins to shift learning into student needs. Learning begins to dominate students.
The following will reveal 15 tips that you can try to use when teaching in your class, so students stay focused and pay attention to the learning that you are doing.
1. Attract students’ interest with a short story
2. Ask questions that are open ended
3. Give only one type of task in a learning session
4. Give clear directions for doing the task
5. Make a point of view
6. Walk around the entire student bench
7. Occasionally speak from the back corner of the class
8. Use centering techniques
9. Write the key words of your learning on the board
10. Vary your intonation, volume, expression, and gesture when talking
11. Use the colors in your writing on the board
12. Delete the writings of your previous learning session
13. If you use power points, pause your presentation with other techniques
14. Give rewards to students and all students in your class
15. Show your patience and sincerity
The conditions for effective teaching and learning are students’ interest and attention in learning. Interest is a characteristic that is relatively fixed in a person. This interest has a profound effect on learning because with someone’s interest will do something that interests him. Conversely, without someone’s interest it is impossible to do something. For example, if a child is interested in the arts, he will try to find out more about art.
In learning, the role of interest is very large especially for the success of learning delivered by educators to students. If students have a very great interest in the subject matter that will be delivered by the teacher, the students will naturally try to find as much information about the learning material as possible, through textbooks as learning resources, or from the internet, and from anywhere which can be used as informants for the information on the learning material. For example, Arabic lessons are very popular with Yuni. Yuni is a grade VII student, Yuni is taking a course outside of school because Yuni feels happy with Arabic lessons, she studies hard and diligently about what she has gotten from school and also from the place of the course. The role of the teacher here is to arouse students’ learning interest so that they are more active in learning, so that educational goals can be achieved .
Every student is not the same in terms of interest in learning something science. Maybe there are more interested in studying economics, history, biology or others. Such interest cannot be forced, if you want to achieve optimal learning outcomes. Therefore, what is important is how teachers can create programs that can channel their respective interests. Because students’ interests are not the same in terms of learning something science, it can be concluded, the teacher must create a program that can channel the interests of students. For example, for students who are interested in economics, the teacher can facilitate and create conditions for channeling students’ interests by creating school cooperatives. As for other students who are interested in sports lessons (soccer, badminton, basketball), the teacher can create extra-curricular lessons. For other students who are interested in science lessons, the teacher can channel the student’s interest with an extra curricular PMR (teen red cross). By channeling students’ interests and not forcing their interests it is expected that learning outcomes achieved by students are maximum and optimal, and educational goals will be achieved.
The 4 ways to get students’ attention are:
1. Pay Attention
As a teacher, you can’t be busy by yourself. Especially busy playing with a cellphone while in class and ignoring your students. Students need extra guidance and cannot be left alone. In fact, there are those who move very actively, or carry out activities to get attention. So, when you teach later, don’t forget to focus and pay attention to students. The things you do will certainly make them feel valued and considered their existence. It is not impossible, students will respect you
2. Firm, but not rude
Some teachers may have a gentle attitude during the teaching process so that students are interested in listening. There are also teachers who are very hard in teaching. This is certainly to make students be disciplined. Now, from these methods, you can combine some of these attitudes so that students are easy to manage. Of course you need to be strict so they respect you. But remember, do not occasionally do or speak rudely. Decisively will deliver you to be a parent you can trust to listen to. While rude, it will only bring down your pride as an educator.
3. Make Students Comfortable
Making students comfortable with us is important for a teacher. You can be a fun teacher. Not only as a teacher and parent for them, but also as a good friend and they can trust. Make students open with you, and they know that you are the teacher who will accept them, and not judge them. Be close to your own students. Because the teacher is not just teaching, but also educating.
4. Maintain Authority
A teacher is required to have attitudes and behaviors that have a sense of leadership and attractiveness so that they can master students while still being respected as a teacher. A teacher does have to have sufficient closeness to students to facilitate them during the teaching and learning process. However, this closeness must certainly be maintained and limited. Remember, a teacher must have the authority to be respected by his students. Students must have limits on attitudes towards the teacher, for example, because you are so close to students, students dare to take the cellphone directly in your pocket or he says like you are the same age or below. These limits are certainly able to maintain the attitude of students towards the authority of you who is a teacher.
My be useful
Yuni Khoirunnisa
16 February 2020
How to win the attention of students
Many teachers complement learning with the use of sophisticated technology and good methods when presenting lessons, but if the teacher is not good at processing it then it becomes unattractive. However, for effective teachers, whatever facilities they have will certainly make children “Amazed”. The teacher is like a magnet for the students, all the teacher’s movements in front of the class are not unnoticed by the students, and become an example for their students. Effective teachers are teachers who are not only required to master the teaching well, but also must be able to present the material to their students so that it is easily understood. In addition to the techniques for presenting material a teacher must be able to create a positive learning climate.
One way to win the attention of students is assertive: the characteristics of this type of teacher are always showing an expression of sincerity (im okay) and always respecting others (you are okay) staring at the other person, upright body, and the right sound pressure. The purpose of this behavior is to communicate something in an atmosphere of mutual trust. Assertive behavior requires a person to respect others as well as himself.
Regarding students, as teachers we must give praise to students’ good behavior or criticize, blame, advise governing. Basically every human being has a basic similarity that is to be praised, recognized and heard, and respected. Praise is proven to change student behavior, even the most naughty child will feel valued if his good behavior is praised.
Good at fostering good relationships, how to convey lessons is the way the teacher communicates with students, interpersonal and communication skills in presenting subject matter in class are very decisive teaching and learning process. A teacher must recognize how important communication skills are in the learning process as well as being aware that all students have different levels of strengths and weaknesses. It is only through communication skills that he can introduce creative and effective solutions to students’ problem problems, there are some clever ways of communicating namely “using motivational language, making effective body language, using humor”.
in my opinion in teaching is a complicated thing because a teacher inevitably has to be able to adapt to the situations and conditions that exist in the classroom. adapt to students who are active and who are passive. in this day and age there are still some students who are passive in the classroom, lacking enthusiasm in doing their tasks and lacking focus in learning. this results in the material delivered by the teacher is not absorbed and less understood by students. but there are some things that can be applied in ongoing learning so that passive students can be enthusiastic in learning and training to be active students.
The following ways that can be used like a teacher must be able to create a new atmosphere in the classroom. One example is by changing the sitting position of students who usually line up into a circle. these efforts provide a great opportunity students can pay attention because the teacher is in the middle between students when delivering the material. then using a method that will provide a form of innovation that utilizes technology, one of which is mobile teaching. these efforts can involve all students simultaneously looking for materials instructed by the teacher. then ask questions alternately to students about the material already known. on the other hand the teacher must have a humorous nature so that the atmosphere in the learning class does not make the brain motor saturated and tense.
because if the teacher is too assertive students will feel afraid in the learning. then just relax in learning to be fun.
then the teacher’s performance also influences learning and becomes one of the reference factors for students to pay attention to their teacher when delivering material. in addition to an attractive appearance, it is also an expressive way of delivering so that students are carried away with enthusiasm in listening to the material delivered. then invite all students to read the Al-Quran in tahfiz lessons then called one by one student to be tested for courage and test students’ understanding to find out how far students can focus in learning. after the test give an award or a gift as a sign of gratitude and as a motivation as well
then at the end of the learning show a short film that contains motivation to recognize themselves, the spirit of learning is aimed at getting students to get inspiration, new motivation as well as entertainment. it also can stimulate students’ potential in raising the importance of the future and increasing learning enthusiasm.
There are several ways to attract students’ attention during the learning process. Among them, when we want to succeed in providing material to students, in whatever sense we teach or explain can be immediately accepted and easily understood by students. We must be good at guessing students’ psychology and smart at applying learning methods and models. Try to teach us according to the level, so there is no inequality. The variety of learning models that are adapted to the contents of the material will make students more enjoy which will lead to fast responses, and will make them more like and finally explore.
No matter how difficult the material will be delivered when we as teachers are able to be creative in choosing learning models, the child will be more curious. In addition, give little attention that will arouse enthusiasm in learning. Do not hesitate to give praise to students so that their confidence increases. For example, when we find students who are doubtful of what they are learning, they need to be encouraged and encouraged through words and treatment such as trying to find positive things in the student and praise him for his confidence in coming.
Do not forget, as teachers we must also be observant from the start of small things like conditioning the learning space and physical and psychological conditioning of the teacher or student because it will affect the readiness of students in receiving and understanding the material being taught. Someone can accept a learning depends on physical, emotional and sociological factors, therefore the teacher as a guide is expected to be able to create strategic conditions that can make students comfortable in following the learning process.
each student will benefit if the teacher in the class can create a calm atmosphere with the following tips.
1. Give direction with respect and empathy.
If a teacher apologizes when making a mistake, treats students with respect and empathy, then students will treat the same thing
2. Communication with students
In order to be an example, adults can form warm relationships with students.
3. Involve in making rules in class.
Students will usually offer more rules than needed.
When children are involved in making rules, they will feel “owned” and then follow it.
4. Preventive efforts to overcome student problems.
The teacher must build empathy for each student. Be sure to connect with students every day, even for a short time.
5. Build empathy
The teacher needs to listen to various complaints and worries about everything that is bothering students. between teacher and student.
6. Understand student behavior
A teacher who wants to change student behavior, must first understand that the student is doing something because he has a reason behind it.
7. Give students opportunities to correct mistakes
Teachers need to discuss with students, so they can learn to express opinions without hurting others.
8. The importance of support for students When a student is upset, listen, empathize, and help him feel connected to the teacher
9. Meet the needs of students
Most “bad behavior” is the result of unmet children’s needs.
How to get attention from student when you are teaching :
1. Reward
For get attention from our student, we can use the reward methode for them. We give a reward for who attence us, and give punishment for who are not. That will make them motivated to be a good student and scar to get funishment. But, you have to think more for a reward and punishment to be a big learning for them.
2. Simple playing
When your class getting rowdy, you can beg them to standing and doing a simple playing. For example you can do “talking stick playing”. Where they are singing a song when the stick is twisted, next when the sing stop, you can ask who hold the stick last by a difficult question. I think that will make your student fell lose when they can’t to answer your question. Morever if you mix with reward and punishment. As you give reward for who answer truly and give punishment for who can’t amswer, it will make them more spirit and motivated.
3. Make a simple slogan
It meant, you can make a simple slogan, and you repeat whenever they lose their attence for you. For example you can say “Spirit…!” And raise your hand, than you ask them to answer “Yes we are spirit…” and moving their hand. So, what ever are they doing, it will back to attence you when they hear your simple slogan.
4. Eliminate it
When your class feel so noise, you can eliminate what the couse. And they will be attence you again. As when there a ball in your class, your student doesn’t attence you because of that, so you can throw the ball to other place and continue your learn.
5. Give coaching
They don’t attence you, that can be becouse they don’t know about the important from your learn. So, you can give them a coaching about the important from your learn. It so good for them, they not only will attence you, but also will be better for the next.
6. Ask them
You can ask who are rowdy by a difficult question around your learn, then they will feel lose when they can’t answer your question.
Actualy, for get attention from them you have to be a favourite teacher for them. You have to understand what they are feeling, what they are hoping and what their character so you can adjust your teaching methode with their situation and you not only will get their attention but also they will get your sience. When you be their favourite teacher, they will attence you and make priority your learn, because everyone want to meet their faovourite everytime.
1. the questioning skills that require the teacher to master the techniques of asking intelligent questions, both basic questioning skills and continuing questioning skills
2. skills provide reinforcement. A teacher needs to master the skills of giving reinforcement because reinforcement is an encouragement for students to increase attention.
3. the skills to hold variations, both variations in teaching styles, use of media and learning materials, and patterns of interaction and activities
4. explaining skills that require teachers to reflect all information in accordance with everyday life.
5. skills to open and close the lesson. In this context, teachers need to design diverse situations so that classroom conditions become dynamic.
6. skills to guide small group discussions.
7. classroom management skills, including skills related to the creation and maintenance of optimal learning conditions, and controlling optimal learning conditions.
Attract students’ interest with a short story
Who doesn’t like to hear stories? Your students will like it. That is human nature. Already from the sononya. Now, when you teach, tuck in a short story that relates to your learning. The story given is certainly not the origin of the story, but a story that has something to do with your learning. This story can be used as a form of giving a pause (related to tips number 13 below). The story is presented in an interesting manner so that the attention of students who begin to slacken towards you and your learning can be returned to normal.
Tip 2. Ask questions that are open ended
Questions can help children or students think. So that all students can think and answer, give questions that are open ended. Questions like this will be able to involve all students to answer them, because students will use their thoughts and opinions about matters that are questioned through the open ended question.
Tip 3. Give only one type of task in a learning session
Some students may be able to handle several tasks at once and manage them well during the learning activities carried out. However, most students actually have difficulty doing more than one task. If all tasks (more than one) are targets that must be fulfilled in your learning that day, make the assignments such that they can be divided into sub-tasks that can be done in several sequences (sessions) of learning on that day and they will be able to solve them one by one.
Tip 4. Give clear directions for doing the task
Some teachers often find an assignment easy to do even if only with brief instructions on a worksheet. In reality, students often do not understand what the maximum is given in the assignment. Therefore, confirming whether they understand clearly what is assigned to them is very important. And, even more important, students often need additional explanations and direction about the work being done. Do this as well as possible so as not to let students’ time to work on assignments be wasted or make them in confusion for some time.
Tip 5. Make a point of view
When students begin to slacken attention to learning. Use point of view to each of your students. Especially when you talk to them directed (individually, certain students) or when you talk to the whole class. Brush your eyes alternately and turn to all parts of the class, to all your students so that they feel invited to talk. If they feel they are being spoken to, they will listen to you.
adjust teaching methods with technology that is increasingly developing so that the process of understanding the material can be fast and easy to understand, the teacher can use the internet to be used as a source of material for students in learning an object or lesson, teaching not only provides material to children when teaching the teacher must also pay attention to circumstances Students, teachers must take the time to go around answering Mirid questions while they are learning independently or in groups.
So that students can pay attention tobthe teacher, surely a special approach and attention must be given to the teacher to help focus student.
Even for creative teachers, the source of learning is not merely from books.
The environment and experience of students can also be a source of learning for all students.
maybe some simple tips you can try on learning in class.
1. Begin apperception with fun activities
Starting or starting a learning activity must be done carefully. Because at the beginning of this activity you will attract the attention of students to focus on learning that will be carried out within a few hours.
2. Give the game when the learning process
Students will be more interested in the process if the learning activities are fun.
One of the ways to create fun learning is through games.
The game intended here is a game that supports the learning process. However, it also needs to be a teacher’s attention is not to the game that aims to make students more focused in learning, making them play instead in learning.
3. Involve learning media
Each student has a different ability to understand a concept. There are students who are so quick to understand the learning material and not a few students who are slow in learning.
This situation makes teachers have to use tools in the learning process so that students with insufficient abilities can obtain educational services and they can follow lessons well.
4. Slip humor when teaching
When teaching, try tucking in funny things. That way your students will feel at home and focus more on the learning activities.
As for humor that can be prepared in learning, namely: stories / fairy tales, animated pictures / videos, and experiences. As for the humor that must be avoided, namely: dirty humor, humor that delays other students, and gives humor too often.
ways or tips to attract students attention in class
1. telling stories are funny, interesting, but brief in order to refresh the atmosphere and break the ice and increase the closeness between the teacher and students
2. giving questions that are helpful or stimulate students thinking power, such as questions that are hotly discussed about education.
3. provide clear direction to students in doing assignments in a language that is easily understood by all students.
4. make eye contact between teachers and students alternately and thoroughly so that there is an inner bond that will help students focus more in accepting the material provided by the teacher
5. walk around in the classroom , meaning the teacher should not only sit in front but once look at the class from behind
6. speak from the back corner when explaining the material or direction to students
7. use concentration techniques so thay the concentration of students back in focus such as giving encouragement, yells or chants thay contain motivation
8. write keywords on the board related ti the material explained so that it makes it easier for students to remember the material
9. variate volume, expression and gesture intonation while speaking, the teacher must be able to distinguish when to speak loud, high, weak, accompanied by expressions and gestures so that it is more interesting for students when listening to the materil.
10. use color on the board, when the teacher explains the material the teacher should write letters with attarctive color or colored pictures
11. give rewards to students when responding well to the material presented or students doing assignments well with verbal or on verbal language.
12. show your patience and sincerity as a teanher when dealing with students both in class and autside of class.
hopefully useful and become a teacher who is always waiting for his presence.
So that teachers can attract the attention of students, there are several things that need to be applied in the learning process, including:
Determine or choose a learning method that is suitable for the student’s situation. The method is a technique or step taken by a teacher to students during the learning process. in my opinion, methods that can make students draw attention to the teacher include the method of zig saw, demonstration, question and answer.
Besides determining or choosing a method, there are other things that need to be applied by the teacher so that learning can attract students’ attention:
1. Choose a learning approach system that is considered the most appropriate and effective.
2. Involving students actively, can be done by increasing participation, providing material that ia clear, appropriate and easily understood by student.
3. Provide individual student services.
4. Prepare and use various media in learning.
5. create a pleasant learning atmosphere.
It can be done by :
– Create a comfortable climate for students, to eliminate awkwardness and encourage students to ask questions so that communication between teacher and student can be built.
– Listen seriously to any comments or questions asked by students.
– Give praise to students – provides questions that are easy to answer.
– Controlling, useful to find out how many students participate in class.
Every child has a different level of concentration and focus, so the situation would be very different from one child to another.
In this case we also need to pay attention to how long the child can concentrate and focus on something we teach him, so we can understand each child.
There are several things that must be considered so that children can concentrate and focus, including:
1. Give a bright environment
2. Give the right method
3. Assign tasks according to the age of the child
4. Give responsibility to the child
5, giving rewards to children
how to improve student concentration in learning
The ability to concentrate a student can also be influenced by the motivation he gets, attachment to a thing, threatening pressure, physical, psychological, and emotional conditions, the level of intelligence, and also the surrounding environment before trying methods to improve the following student concentration.
1. Readiness to Study
Methods to improve student concentration need to be done by paying attention to the conditions of students before learning first. Because before learning the brain and body must be in a fresh state by paying attention to physical and psychological conditions. Free from disease disorders, hunger or even malnutrition, free from various psychological conflicts, emotional tension, anxiety, disappointment, heartbreak and so on. These psychiatric conflict problems must be correctly resolved first so that the mind is clear.
2. Instill motivation to learn
The following methods for increasing student concentration can arouse interest and motivation for learning. It is important to know about what is learned, the learning objectives, the relationship between lessons and daily life, the benefits of these lessons, and how to learn them. Then the imagination in thinking also needs to be considered and familiarized, imagining the picture of what is learned, and thinking about the important elements that shape the picture so that students will be active and creative.
3. Study well
This method of increasing student concentration requires guidance on how to think, solve problems in focus and also direct students’ curiosity. In addition, it must also have goals to be achieved, and complete in learning them, able to develop a frame of mind and act step by step in solving problems
4.Strive for a conducive environment
To get optimal learning outcomes, it is necessary to create a conducive learning environment. A neat, organized and clean place and room with neatly arranged desks and desks will be a method for increasing effective student learning concentration. A conducive environment also means minimizing distractions and distractions that are not needed and do not support the smooth teaching and learning process so that the atmosphere becomes comfortable for learning
5. Active Learning
In order to overcome difficulties in concentrating learning in school and be able to understand well what is explained by the teacher, students must be able to develop active learning patterns. Active learning patterns are one method of increasing student learning concentration which means that they are actively carried out by asking the teacher or a friend about things or materials that are not understood. To develop active learning, students should not feel ashamed or hesitate to ask questions, but will also be able to prevent the mind from wandering around while learning. With active learning the concentration of learning will increase and optimize the intensity of learning concentration.
6. Learning While Playing
Sometimes the learning process can indeed be boring for students if there is no variation in the way the teacher teaches or in the way the material is delivered. For this reason, it needs to be made so that the learning process becomes more fun, one of them is by inserting a game as a method to improve student concentration so that lessons are not too boring.
Playing while learning will create a positive and strong emotional state of students. The teacher can modify difficult subject matter in the form of play, which will be very useful for children who are active in general or more active than other children. By playing the teacher can also recognize the learning style needs of each student and help them to further maximize the learning process.
7. Using Music
Methods to improve student learning concentration can also be done by using music that can provide enough stimulation to the brain, so that it can help encourage students’ cognitive development quickly. Singing and playing an instrument will activate the right brain and the left brain at the same time. According to Bobbi de Porter and friends, music is the least useful for restructuring moods, can improve desired learning outcomes. Music can be used by the teacher to arrange students’ moods, change the mental state of students, and also to support a more conducive learning environment, so students have a comfortable and optimal learning atmosphere. Music will be able to help students’ minds always be ready and able to concentrate
8. Using Humor
Slipping humor in the lesson can be done by the teacher by communicating using the insertion of words in the language and images that can make students laugh. Of course this insertion of humor should not be done excessively and it is necessary to consider the appropriateness before throwing it on the students. For example, don’t include sexual or racial humor in the lesson.
Light forms of humor such as caricatures, anecdotes, short stories, cartoons, short jokes or puns that can liven up the atmosphere in the classroom to become more cheerful, relaxed and fun when learning. Teachers who are able to teach with good humor will be able to reduce student anxiety and tension in learning. Some of the benefits of humor in the learning process include:
• Build communication and improve relationships between teachers and students.
• Reduces stress on students and teachers
• Make the learning process more interesting so students are able to focus and concentrate on the lesson.
• Improve students’ memory of subject matter.
9. Give Rest
Resting or refreshing will be a method for increasing the concentration of student learning that needs to be done when there is a saturation of the learning process. Boredom can disrupt the concentration of learning because students already feel bored thinking and use their brains to learn. If students look bored, then don’t force the learning process to continue. It is better to give time for students to refresh their minds for example for 5-10 minutes to take their minds off the lesson.
Effective Ways to Win the Hearts of Students
The characteristics of this type of teacher always show an expression of sincerity (I’m fine) and always win other people (you’re fine) staring at the other person, upright body, and the right sound pressure. The purpose of assertive habits communicates something in a relationship of mutual trust.
1. Conflicts that arise agreements and suggested solutions to benefit all parties. Thank you for your rating.
2. Respect Students Let’s ask ourselves, as to which teacher gives praise to students’ good behavior or criticizes, blames, advises, orders. Every human being whatever his background has a basic similarity that is to be praised, recognized, listened to, and respected. Praise is proven to change student behavior. Even the most naughty child will feel or be appreciated if given a compliment. Teachers who can respect students will always cling to the hearts of their student.
3. Clever Building Good Relationships The way to convey a lesson is the way the teacher communicates with his students. Interpersonal and communication skills in presenting subject matter in class greatly determine the success of the teaching and learning process. A teacher must realize how important communication skills are in the process of learning, learning as well as being aware that all students have different levels of strengths and weaknesses. Only through communication skills can he introduce creative and effective solutions to students’ problems. Smart tips for communicating are: 1. Using motivational language, 2. Effective body language, 3. Using humor.
4.Optimal effort
Someone believes the work done will bring optimal results, then the work will produce the best. Therefore, belief is the only antidote to failure that is known to people and positive beliefs will move people towards success. Conversely, negative beliefs make people shackled by the situation and circumstances that formed.
5. Avoid violence and fear Treatment that causes fear experienced by children can have a negative impact on growth and development. Children who experience anxiety will experience psychological disorders such as lack of confidence, low self-esteem, and feel insignificant in their environment so they are not motivated to realize their potential. Violence occurs due to two different interests namely the interests of teachers and the interests of murig. These differences lead to interpersonal conflict. The things teachers can do in overcoming conflicts are: 1, Active listening. 2. Verify the teacher’s message. 3. Resolving conflicts constructively (respect, meeting points) 4. Feedback The teacher has a hard, yet noble task. On him lies the burden and responsibility to prepare for a better future. Thus the teacher is essentially noble ,. Glorifying the noble propositions is glory and only noble people know how to glorify and appreciate glory. Only those who glorify the calling of conscience to become teachers can carry out this difficult task. Hopefully with this AMPUH all teachers are in the hearts of their students ,. Hopefully.
Every child has a different level of concentration and focus, so the situation would be very different from one child to another.
In this case we also need to pay attention to how long the child can concentrate and focus on something we teach him, so we can understand each child.
There are several things that must be considered so that children can concentrate and focus, including:
1. Give a bright environment
2. Give the right method
3. Assign tasks according to the age of the child
4. Give responsibility to the child
5, giving rewards to children
How to Make Students Active in Learning in Classroom
In my opinion, the teacher should not only merely explain the material in the class but also encourage students to think about the contents and subject matter. Students should not be asked to continue to be loyal listeners so that they fall asleep in class because of the boring way the teacher teaches.
Therefore, here I would like to suggest a method for making your classroom a fun and not boring place for students to learn and think so that the class becomes active and dynamic. The methods are as follows:
1. To start the lesson explain to students what will be learned at that time and what are the benefits for students if they understand and understand the themes / things to be learned. By conveying things like this, the teacher not only has tried to attract the attention of students to focus on the lesson, but has begun to invite students to use the mind. Because the function and benefits of the theme are the result of thought which will be digested by students with thoughts as well.
2. Start the lesson not by explaining but start with questions. Circulate questions to the whole class, hope all students participate in answering these questions, then all students have been moved to think independently.
3. Collect all the answers given by students and discuss with all students the truth of all the answers given. Ask for reasons why one answer is acceptable and the other is not. Then there will be sharing of knowledge between students, students give information to each other and all students are involved in learning.
4. If there are students who ask you, don’t answer them yourself, throw them to the class to be answered by other students. Then your students will not have time to sleep because all students are encouraged to always think.
5. Continue to maintain the atmosphere of thinking in the classroom by throwing questions and making the atmosphere of your teaching and learning more like a conversation between students and students and the teacher, not rigid teaching with the teacher telling the story students listen.
6. Give students time to ask questions about something that is not clear, or give them time to express their ideas or views that have not been revealed.
7. End the lesson by asking them to make a resume for what they understand and talk about it during the lesson in written form.
This is how to make students active in learning in class. Hopefully this method is useful and will make students continue to be active and not feel bored which makes students fall asleep in class.
Tips to motivate students who can attract students’ attention in learning.
1.Describe the objectives and targets of the lesson.
Students will have difficulty following the lesson when they do not know the goals and targets of a lesson. Even they tend to give up and are lazy to learn it. At the beginning of the meeting, a teacher needs to give a brief description about the lesson to be taught. Like the boundaries of the material, the implementation of lessons in daily life and the forms of examinations they will face in relation to the lessons. Thus, they have a clear view of what they will learn.
2. Make room for ‘guilty’
In some lessons interaction is sometimes required with students. However, most students are afraid to join this session. If so, a teacher must make room for students to ‘guilty’. Guilty here does not mean making mistakes that are worth prohibition, but mistakes because of ignorance of a material point. Mistakes made by students are not always negative. In fact, sometimes they learn more from the mistakes they have made. By giving them little room to make mistakes, a ‘trial and error’ class is created which can encourage students to ‘want’ and ‘dare’ to try new things. Thus, the classroom atmosphere becomes more lively and vibrant.
3.Give positive feedback and reduce empty complaints.
Give a positive response to students often. However, it should also be noted that feedback is only given to the results of children’s efforts, not because of its characteristics. In the book Nurture Shock written by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman stated that a child who is often praised for his intelligence tends to reduce their frequency of learning. For example, it is better to say “I see your efforts are very good” than “wow! You’re smart too … ”
4. Give examples that are often applied in everyday life.
In fact, most students who succeed are meaningless because they are interested in all the lessons. They tend to be better able to understand the lesson when confronted with ‘real’ examples that have practical value in their lives. As much as possible, the lesson is packed with several examples in daily life. Besides being able to increase their interest in learning, this method can also provide some special skills that are appropriate to the period of growth and development.
5.Sometimes teachers need to get out of the circle.
Students often get bored with the same activities every day. Study in class and listen to presentations from the teacher. With a little variation, a rigid classroom atmosphere can turn into a playground that is fun for them. Maybe a teacher needs to occasionally invite students to learn outside the classroom and give them the opportunity to argue about the phenomena around them, or simply change the classroom atmosphere into a ‘quiz game’ which automatically provides consequences for those who cannot answer the questions given. As long as it can invite students’ passion to learn and not provoke them to do negative things, this method can still be justified.
6. Use different media.
Each student has a different way of learning. Teachers can still attract their attention by presenting lessons that are suited to students’ diverse learning styles. If necessary, use educative new technology or other media. Some students readily accept lessons kinesthetic. By making the subject matter more physically touched (it can be said, read, spoken, seen and touched) will greatly help them understand it.
Finally, the biggest motivation for students is the teacher. Students sometimes act according to the enthusiasm of their teachers. Every teacher must have complaints in teaching, but letting it undermine the spirit of teaching is not a wise decision. Although he has done the six tips above. Without enthusiasm, the lessons will only be delivered as ‘crisp’ lectures. A teacher must be able to control his mood, so he can master the classroom atmosphere well and students are always passionate in following the lessons. Some of the activities above illustrate the importance of a learning motivation and what steps can be taken to increase learning motivation.
how to attract students to pay attention
1. Teacher Teaching Style
Student attention can arise from an appreciation of the teacher’s teaching style such as the teacher’s position in teaching, or the teacher doing activities that are different from usual.
2. Use of Teaching Aids
The use of teaching aids that we are familiar with with the media is very influential in dancing the attention of students. We can anticipate the use of media such as: pictures, models, schemes. Can also use visual aids either flash (flash media that I mean can be like this) or conventional media (usually made from bag materials, or items that are around us, this can be made depending on the creativity of the teacher concerned) besides attracting attention allows the occurrence of obedience between things that are already known with things that are learned.
3. Varied Interaction Patterns.
So the interaction that occurs is not only the teacher who dominates, let students develop creating patterns of interaction such as:
teacher-student, student-student, student-teacher.
Now then if we want to be a teacher that is loved and missed by students, after we take the steps above, the next thing we must do is generate motivation.
Ways to generate motivation
a. Warmly and enthusiastically
Should create a friendly, enthusiastic, friendly atmosphere and so on. Because it can encourage behavior and pleasure in doing the task so that students’ motivation will arise.
b. Cause Curiosity
Throwing ideas that are contrary to working on the problem or condition of the reality daily self
c. By Paying Attention to Student Interest.
Align the topic of learning with student interests because motivation and interest affect gender, age, socioeconomic and so on.
Every child must have their level of concentration and focus, so the conditions will certainly be very different from one child to another.
Focus or concentration can be said as the ability of our brain to be able to focus the attention of children.
The focus for each child must be different, in this case we also need to understand each child.
some things we need to do when teaching in order to be effective teaching and learning activities, we should be able to find the right method.
The right method for children is usually with a game or an activity that they like so that they are interested and can quickly understand the lessons we are giving.
besides choosing effective learning time is also very influential, for example after children have finished sports if they are given direct learning in difficult learning such as mathematics then learning will not be conducive, then provide fun learning for children so that children can stay focused.
A calm and comfortable atmosphere is the atmosphere expected by most students, especially to get good teaching from their teachers. Some of our friends revealed that the calm and conducive classroom atmosphere will support a comfortable learning atmosphere.
The atmosphere of the classroom and its layout is also an important component to creating a comfortable classroom atmosphere. Classrooms must be bright enough, so that it is enough to facilitate the eye to read books and writing on the blackboard clearly.
Try classrooms that have many windows, enough sunlight for the class.
Tables and chairs are the main means of students to sit, read, write and draw. The function must be maximized. Its layout is changed according to the situation. Teaching and learning activities will also be more effective if supported by a cheerful mood
The benefit if a teacher provides a calm atmosphere in the classroom
1. Give direction with respect and empathy. The teacher must avoid feeling anxious if the classroom atmosphere is not conducive, especially raising the sound, because students will also follow it. If a teacher can communicate calmly in class, students will imitate and be more easily manage their emotions. If a teacher apologizes when making a mistake, treats students with respect and empathy, then students will treat the same thing.
2. Communicate with students Establish a warm relationship with students, students come to school, welcome students with good smiles and greetings.
3. Build empathy A teacher who has empathy for students will make students focus more on listening to the lesson. The teacher needs to listen to various complaints and worries about everything that is bothering students.
4. Understand student behavior Understand student behavior one by one because all students will have different attitudes.
5. Give students opportunities to correct mistakes If a student makes a mistake by hurting his friend, it helps a teacher talk about how to correct these mistakes. Teachers need to discuss with students, so they can learn to express opinions without hurting others. This will help prevent and resolve fights.
6.The importance of support for students Make students rise from the bad things they are experiencing, give support to students so that students become confident.
7. Give students confidence If students have good achievements, dare to go forward to explain or answer. Give students an award, because it will increase student confidence.
1. Managing the class is art and skill
Many people think the way and style of speaking in front of the class does not have much effect on classroom management. Teaching contains a touch of artistic value and skill. So it is not wrong if the teacher is said to be a learning artist. The tone and tone of the speech really determine the clarity of the material delivered by the teacher
2. Managing the class requires planning
The teacher is a learning designer. Indeed, learning has been designed beforehand. The draft was in the form of written preparations to guide the teacher in carrying out learning activities. The teacher has predicted all possibilities that occur during the learning process. The learning time is in accordance with the learning scenario from the first minute to the last minute. The possibility of disturbances from deviant student behavior has been anticipated by the teacher so that time does not run out to scold and reprimand students.
3. Manage classes is to overcome learning problems.
One form of teacher attention is the preparation of mature learning, both administratively and the mental attitude of the teacher.
Indeed, the teacher must be obeyed by every student, but in this millennial era, on the contrary many students cannot appreciate their teacher.
Even though the teacher is the second parent after our parents are at home, they teach, educate, give selfless knowledge often when the teacher explains the lesson in the class, the students are even fun with their friends or playing around so that they don’t pay attention to what the teacher says.
But there are some tips that can be done so that students can still focus or pay attention to the teacher when explaining learning in class.
1. The teacher must be able to read the situation in class
2. Choose the right method to deliver the material
3. Master the material
4. Create a game that involves all students by dividing groups
5. When explaining the material the teacher makes questions for students so that communication occurs and the class comes alive
6. Give students the opportunity to express their opinions
7. do a simple ice breaking so that students can return to concentration
8. Make one short sentence that will always be said when the concentration of students begins to scatter 9. Take students out of class and do learning in the open
10. Give positive words
11. Give stories that can build student learning motivation
12. Always link our hearts with Allah SWT because only God can soften the hearts of men.
Intend everything because Allah SWT