Darul Hikam 3rd Education Conference 2020

4-5 March 2020. “Arah Baru Pendidikan Indonesia” became a theme conference. Dr. Sofyan A. Djalil, S.H., M.A., M.A., M.ALD and Dr. Ir. Sodik Mudjahid, M.Sc were the keynote speakers. Dera Nugraha presented “School Principal Roles in Disruption Era”. He earned one of best presenters.

The era of disruption demands self-disruption, agility, and self-driving. The required role of principal is a qualified leader who has managerial and public relation skills in advance. Permendiknas number 13 year 2007 which still consider as the reference for the current principal roles needs to be adjusted. It is not strike to the point, too wordy and stimulate documents piling. The speed of working was not get any attention, while in the disruption era, the agility (speed inside) and accuracy in work are mostly needed.

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