Wisuda ke-94 UIN Sunan Gunuing Djati Bandung
Wisuda ke-94 UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Meraih gelar akademik Doktor (Dr.) sebagai tanda harus semakin rajin belajar dan memperbaiki diri.
Wisuda ke-94 UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Meraih gelar akademik Doktor (Dr.) sebagai tanda harus semakin rajin belajar dan memperbaiki diri.
SMP Islam Cendekia Cianjur (SICC) takes a part in the environment issues of Indonesia. Dera Nugraha (Principal of SICC) attends the Policy Brief training performed by IPB University on 30-31 October 2019 at Baranangsiang Bogor. The meeting aims to produce the constructive and comprehensive inputs for the related policy makers. To be a reputable Islamic…
Where the importance of innovation, creativity, diversity come into the picture and cannot be overlooked. In this scenario, strategy is less top down but emerges from within the organization…
November and December 2016, training of teachers regarding active and effective learning management in Platinum Hotel, Rantau Prapat North Sumatra and Asian Agri Training Center Buatan Pelalawan Riau. http://www.baruaja.com/257521/belasan-tenaga-pendidik-smpn-6-pelalawan-ikuti-pelatihan-peningkatan-kapasitas-guru.html
19 Desember 2023. Workshop “Implementasi Asesmen Kurikulum Merdeka” bersama para pendidik SMP Bina Insan (Boarding School) Bogor. Mendalami konsep & menguasai penerapan Asesmen Kurikulum Merdeka, sesuai dengan konteks satuan pendidikan.
A friendly and visionary community is what I feel here. Even though it’s not perfect, we did a number of ways in realizing our dreams together, graduating qualified muslim generation who are globally competed. Even thought SICC is (only) one of the schools in Indonesia, we believe that the positive wave of change for education…
Participating in “Mini MBA for Islamic School Leaders”. The program held by Salman ITB along August to December 2022.