Improving PAI Online Learning Outcomes with Bookwidgets as a Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Improving PAI Online Learning Outcomes with Bookwidgets as a Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning that conducted online during the Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on low learning outcomes. Organizing effective learning online was a challenge for Islamic Education teachers. After Islamic Education teachers learn and use Book widgets as a learning medium, the attendance and learning outcomes of students increase significantly. This study aims…

Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Beragama dalam Pembelajaran PAI di SICC

Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Beragama dalam Pembelajaran PAI di SICC

Indonesia is the largest multicultural country in the world. Religious conflicts still occur today. The internalization of religious moderation values among its pluralistic society is the most strategic way to solve it. It needs to be started from early student education. Therefore, a study of the internalization of religious moderation values in basic education level…

Urgensi Pendidikan Multikultural di Indonesia

Urgensi Pendidikan Multikultural di Indonesia

Indonesia merupakan bangsa multikultural dengan tingkat pluralisme yang tinggi. Hal itu dapat menjadi potensi kemajuan bangsa sekaligus kemundurannya, bergantung pada kualitas pengelolaan heterogenitas tersebut. Hingga saat ini terbukti konflik yang dilatarbelakangi suku, agama, dan ras antargolongan (SARA) masih sering terjadi. Hal tersebut menunjukan pentingnya penguatan pendidikan multikultural di Indonesia. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menyegarkan kembali…

Peranan Guru PAI dalam Pengembangan Kepribadian Peserta Didik SMP Al-Islam Benteng Tellue Bone

Peranan Guru PAI dalam Pengembangan Kepribadian Peserta Didik SMP Al-Islam Benteng Tellue Bone

This study aims to develop the personality of students in accordance with the objectives of Islamic religious education, namely to create human beings with Muslim personality. This type of research is descriptive qualitative by using interdisciplinary approaches namely pedagogical, psychological and religious and philosophical. The location of the study was focused at Al-Islam Middle School…

Digitalisasi Pembelajaran di Sekolah Pedalaman

Digitalisasi Pembelajaran di Sekolah Pedalaman

Digitalisation of learning is one of the challenges currently faced by schools in Indonesia, including for schools in the interior. This study aims to implement and measure the effectiveness of computer-based learning in SD Bina Dharma Muara Tiga and SD Bina Dharma Kebun Tengah Central Asahan, North Sumatra, find out the problems faced, and find…

The Effective School Strategic Plan Implementation: A Best Practice of School Improvement

The Effective School Strategic Plan Implementation: A Best Practice of School Improvement

Schools face the social changes quickly that was caused by the global village phenomenon. It makes schools’ strategic plans and their implementation strategies becoming important topics to be discussed. This study aimed to know how the implementation of State of Junior High School (SMP) Islam Cendekia Cianjur strategic plan during academic year 2018/2019. A school…

Webinar: Memimpin Sekolah dengan Segala Keterbatasan di Era Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru

Webinar: Memimpin Sekolah dengan Segala Keterbatasan di Era Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru

Webinar ini diselenggarakan oleh LPPKSPS Kemdikbud untuk 250 kepala sekolah terpilih di deluruh Indonesia.  Pada sesinya Dera Nugraha menuturkan: “Pemimpin yang efektif adalah pemimpin yang mampu mengelola berbagai keterbatasan menjadi sekian peluang untuk berkembang. Pun demikian dengan tantangan Kepala Sekolah dalam memimpin sekolahnya dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 saat ini”… Selengkapnya :



Digitization of learning is one of the todays’ challenges being faced by Indonesian schools, including schools in the remote areas. This reasearch aims to implement and measure the effectiveness of computer based learning at SD Bina Dharma Muara Tiga and SD Bina Dharma Kebun Sentral Asahan North Sumatera, recognize its challenges, and find the appropriate…



Buku Mengerti Sekolah Dengan Mudah ditulis oleh orang yang tepat. Dera Nugraha adalah seorang pemikir, pemerhati, dan praktisi pendidikan….  Karya buku ini akan sangat bermanfaat bagi para guru, kepala sekolah, komite sekolah, peneliti, dan juga orang tua…. Bahasa yang digunakan sederhana dan mudah dipahami tanpa mengurangi informasi penting yang harus disampaikan. Penyajian informasi juga diberikan…